Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Just another day

Dalton got sick this weekend & passed it on to Braden. So both are miserably sick today. I am feeling the sniffles myself, so I think some vitamin c is calling my name! Because of them being sick, Karl & I had to work out separately again today. And probably on Friday too.

So today, I worked out, listening to Pink's "I'm Not Dead (clean version)" and did the weight machines, listening to TLC's "Greatest Hits" or something along those lines. I discovered when I listen to more milder music, I end up going slower & not pushing myself as hard. I am thinking about making a mix, just for at the gym.

I am also still debating what kind of a smaller mp3 player to get. Opinions are all over the place on the ipod nano & ipod shuffle & whether or not itunes is easy to use. (some say yes, some say no. One person said you have to download something that comes with your ipod, before you can use itunes) I am even more confused now, then I was before I started my search for a small clip on mp3 player.

Also, I was having a hard time balancing what I wanted to write about (weight loss, exercise, diet, fitness, kids, life, pets, husband ect) So I created a 2nd blog. Feel free to check it out. I hope everyone enjoys both blogs, as much as I enjoy reading all of yours!

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