Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Last night's weigh in

So I had my latest weigh in last night & lost 4 pounds since my last weigh in, bringing my total weight loss to 14 pounds.

I am thinking that I am going to try the core plan this week, because I have been really bad about journaling. Especially recently--one or all of us has been sick every day for the past week and a half. It's been very exhausting. Both kids are on round 2 with the flu, running fevers in the high 104 range. I was hoping to get to the gym today, but Braden has taken a turn for the worse. I can't wait until we are all healthy & can get back to daily life!


Anonymous said...

4 pounds?! Megan that's awesome! Sorry to hear that you and your crew were all feeling so awful, that must have been tough. Thanks for your thougtful comment on my blog. And don't ever worry about comments being too long, I live for comments! ;)

Take care and keep up the good work,


14 pounds! Go YOU!

And feel better soon! I recommend Sierra Mist.

nato said...

nice job megan!

Healthy Mummy said...

Four pounds - I'm impressed! Hope everyone is healthy soon!

Snowman said...

Nice job. Don't forget to count those items not on the core list. While tracking isn't as important on Core, it's still somewhat required. Good luck.