Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Spring Challenge

Today is the first full day of Spring. I have decided to really challenge & push myself by doing crunches everyday until Summer. I am a really competitive person & it will definately help me, if I have other challengers join me, every day.

Here's the deal: I will do my best to post everyday & report my progress. You can report your progress under comments. We can do crunches on the floor, a bench, an exercise ball. My personal goal, to start out, will be to do at least 100 crunches everyday. As time goes on, I will increase my crunches. You do not have to do 100 a day. Just pick a number that is going to challenge you, without overwhelming you.

I did my 100 for today & then some (I was listening to music & was enjoying myself so much, that I decided to keep going, but stopped counting).

Come on now, who's with me?

1 comment:

nato said...

actually, according to my trainer cousin, crunches should be done every other day...I don't think it hurts to do them every day, but every other gives your muscles a rest between