Okay. I admit it: My guilty pleasure is following what the celebrities are up to. I don't waste my money on the magazines, but I do follow certain websites like The Smoking Gun, People, & x17 Online. I was very surprised at some information that was revealed due to her recent stint in jail. At 5 months pregnant, she is five feet, one inch tall & weighs a shockingly low 105 pounds! Now for a non-pregnant woman with a small frame, her weight range should be between 106-118 pounds! And when you compare her mug shots from her jail stint to her original arrest, they really aren't that different. (unless you count hair color)
I just think that it's sad how many young girls look up to these celebrities & want to look like them! How sad! I hope after serving hard time for a whopping 38 minutes, that she will be able to turn her life around & eat a cheeseburger for cryin' out loud!
I hope that her baby will be okay.
And you’re right. She is a bad influence. But I blame media more. Kevin Bacon has said that Young Hollywood was similar to when he was a part of it. It’s just that now media is more apt to expose the dirt.
Sadly, I read perezhilton every day at work. I need a celeb-detox!
Hope you are well!
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